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The Rock Cafe is currently closed.

Open Mic Night

Show up early & sign up to hit the stage for Open Mic Night! Perform up to 3 songs per night, whether you're a Rapper, Singer, Dancer, Poet, etc. Bands are welcome as well!


The Rock Cafe is currently closed.

The Rock Cafe 

Featured Artists

To be a featured artist at The Rock Cafe, send your bios/music links to

All featured artists perform a 30 minute set, and are welcome to sell any merchandise that they may have.

You must be a serious mission-minded artist, who is a born-again Christian, & any cancellations must be given at least 2 wks before the date of the event. Otherwise we appreciate that you keep the promise of your commitment to come and share your minsitry.


The Rock Cafe is currently closed.

Special Events

Many times we have Special Events, like CD Release Parties or Tours that come to perform/minister for us. If you would like to have your CD Release Party at The Rock Cafe, or if you are involved with a Tour, send your information to


The Rock Cafe is currently closed.

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